From The Natural Park of Ria Formosa
Hand-Harvested、Unprocessed、Unrefined 手作業で収穫
Traditional Hand-Harvested Salt
In the Natural Park of Ria Formosa, situated in the south of Portugal
beside the Atlantic Ocean, salt farmers have kept to traditional methods
in their salt gathering practices for hundreds of years.
Their skill at working with the four elements, water, wind, clay and sun
results in obtaining good salt, in contrast to the heavily processed and
refined salt that is not good for you. The "artisans of salt"
as they are known, gather it using wooden rakes every fifteen days during
the hottest months of the year.
This compound of 84 minerals and other elements that exist in the water
of the sea is necessary to sustain life.
Salt rejuvenates the body and has innumerable health benefits.
It eliminates toxins and helps prevent sickness.
It is of vital importance for digestion, stimulates salivary secretion,
makes food easier to assimilate while drawing out the nutritional components
of foods.
Salt has always had an important role in medicine.
It is useful in healing wounds and skin disease, relieving allergies, and
balancing the pH of the body. Mineral-rich salt helps the body assimilate
only the needed quantity of sodium, actually helping to regulate the body.
It is hard to find another complement of nutrients with the same value
and richness of minerals than those readily found in unrefined sea salt.
"Salt" is good, while sodium chloride alone is not.
So, it is only "common sense" to use unrefined sea salt.
Like the great Teacher said, "Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness,
how can you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace
with each other."Salt is good - if it's good salt!
近年では、多くの人に楽しんでもらおうと、カフェ&ジュースバーのアンテナショップ「The Mate' Factor Cafe & Juice Bar's 」をオープン 。
エスプレッソマシンで抽出された本格イェルバ・マテをニューヨークの北東イサカ(Ithaca, NY)やコロラド州マニトゥー・スプリングス(Manitou
Springs, CO)などのお店で直接楽しむことができます。
Thanks By 2006-2014 Solfo, Inc. - All Rights reserved, Mate' Factor Cafe, NY
Thanks By flickr - sensoredmedia 店内
アメリカノースカロライナ州の有機マテ茶メーカー「マテ・ファクター」よりポルトガル、リア・フォルモサ産 未精製の海塩。「Salt Works Unrefined
Sea Salt」
現在、メーカーHPでは商品名を変えて現地本来の名である「Sal do Mar」フロール・デ サル(Flor de Sal)=塩の花に改名されてます。 干潟の塩田といえばフランスのゲランドが有名ですが、こちらはポルトガルの塩です。マテ茶メーカーが何故か?取り扱っていますが、マテ茶といえばブラジル、ブラジルは元ポルトガル領なので、その繋がりではないかと思われます。